How to Solo Raid in Ark: Survival Evolved - DigiStatement (2025)

Raids in Ark: Survival Evolved are some of the most routinely done activities by players. Whether it be for looting other players’ inventory and loot, retaliating against invaders, or just for some dumb fun, it’s always been an integral part of the regular Ark: Survival Evolved experience. Now, when it comes to raids, players are allowed to do them however they like. Some find it better to raid with their fellow teammates as a tribe. And then there are some who prefer to act alone. Solo Raids in Ark: Survival Evolved can be done. But you need practice and a good amount of knowledge to survive both the creatures and other players. While practicing is entirely on your hands, the latter part is with us. One which we will share with you.

Games like Ark: Survival Evolved thrive on their multiplayer aspect of gameplay. Over the years, ASE has pioneered itself as a major player in the action-adventure survival genre. As such, raiding has been a big part of the standard Ark experience. Generally, raiding is done with a tribe of which a player is a part. But doing solo raids isn’t an impossible task albeit a hard one. You are essentially going against a group of players who can easily overpower you if you are not careful enough. And there lies the fun too. A solo player fighting and trying to outsmart a group. And if you are going to take on such a challenge, you are going to need all the help you can get. So, let us impart you some critical knowledge on how to solo raid in Ark: Survival Evolved.

How to Solo Raid in Ark: Survival Evolved - DigiStatement (1)

How To Solo Raid in Ark: Survival Evolved

Don’t shy away from retreating

Picking a fight against a tribe is a tough ambition in itself. And so it’s always advisable that you flee whenever possible. Try not to take risks that will lead to your death. Abandon and run, if things start going haywire.

Focus on HP, Movement Speed, and Weight

While other stats are essential, your hp, weight, and movement speed stats should be your main priority. Focusing on these stats will help you more in the long run. HP lets you survive more in critical situations, movement speed allows you to run fast. And weight will help you in carrying more loot. Additionally, you can also level up stamina as it compliments HP and Movement Speed.

Try taming a Griffin

The Griffin is a very helpful creature in the game. Once tamed, it can act as a taming assist, combatant, carrier or aerial firing platform, and more. Because of their fast flying ability, you can easily attack other players and outmaneuver them. This doesn’t mean that it’s impossible to down the creature. So, be careful during your attack and watch out for any unexpected counters from the enemy.

Bring an Arthropluera to destroy Tek structures

Although there are some creatures like the Titanosaur, taming an Arthropluera is much easier than the others. Apart from being able to decimate Tek structures, they can annihilate stone and metal ones too. Do note that they take 5x explosive damage.

Get a Quetzal too

Because of its massive amount of health, a Quetzal is a great candidate as a battle bird. They can also serve as your carrier, fishing mount, and taming mount. Plus as said earlier, they are excellent turret soakers. They are not invincible though. Watch out for enemy tranqs in battles.

Try raiding at night only

Before you start your night raid, remember to use dark or black colored paint. Avoid bright colors. Once you have taken care of those things, start your night raid and be patient.

Guerilla attacks are the best

Since you are a solo player, you need to be more cautious and mindful. Don’t just take decisions willy-nilly. Instead of rushing straight at the enemy, do guerilla attacks. Chip away at their defenses slowly. When attacked, try shooting down the mounts first. Almost in all situations, the mounts are more deadly than their riders.

We hope that this article will help you in your next solo raid in Ark: Survival Evolved. Also, try joining the unofficial servers instead of the official ones. The former has usually more players and is more or less recommended by the community if you want to have a fun and exciting experience. You can also check out DigiStatement for more updates on the game.

Related: Ark: Survival Evolved Best Map For Base (Singleplayer)

Tags: ARK: Survival EvolvedGuideSteamTips

How to Solo Raid in Ark: Survival Evolved - DigiStatement (2025)


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