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- The Toronto Stari
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3 STAR HIGHT 1 REACH OR A STAR MOST PEOPLE DO MONDAY SEPTEMBER IS 1972 ADDITIVE uxl i women how to win executive jobs wttiy qwvLn cf arfifote MJ to Spffl Luu ca ya job Hw 3 AMILY SECTION The Toronto Star that so bi juUj Efe TLct wcf fist tot t' SCIENTISTS at tho federal ood awl Drug Direc torate in ToHWiioW tlw amount of pesticide cu ll tic and additives in a variety of foods from beef Svd to bV2W rtrWU) a UR tv rof Mr Kreu iMfeU a nwterf thia Helen Worthington tested CSW terror iJml er SKTrt' Have you toJUbS tit woderM tarkty trrtfe ttretobhs MWt yens wjiejsssrto torougte'Sii ki toctaegn abreikoc' aadsp" Nat Sir Itoberta da grdtog ti atnury iuK Uke wythat be she uj if ttitt pbU dust to pwwi az 45 feMcti i sod 0a to ttrf evertertyed feer cw a Mriewf to toe aM nsr feesdto but fcfe sfoartowag SECTION PAGES 31 TO 42 AiiTT vhv jiVativ awteaav far ye art life just that Sb wvMabm asi yaod tftl tevtk 0 2 posiibte fee others asbitMB to Ekrahe sto cresses toifi her cvwrse have aoftiBg to to afe uebmeal st2b But shorthand typtog tey seerttory las toese but include rEaaagesteEi techniques tzEiasrrt xrxi creativity tiue rt fwr ararSMtH Nht Roberts says the Kie of lie secretary wStaj cd IVN Hl! ClllNSON SHOPS WITH BRAD 4 HEHIL ANN 2 She nutrition cuiwhnn and wonirv alwut ti danger of jdditn TESIS ON VIS SHOWED A OOD SWEE1 EM JI WAS I) KNCEROVS Kiiabcth Gwrtnw a rat at 14 sdeoctx hbwahw? rhaaag to tter wrt fiS 141 his Hur fce tests' to tj A ewe ewapasfe at tob jyp nyt fes e0Mfe to tfet teas wt as aafeOat tasted el ie4 UktoS or 8 havw a ekaace 1st isckssSMiL Have Yto ytos to couM M1 do for oumlvcs were an agrarian nation made up of sciUuffi' ctehtiamu As sird shifted to an industrial my ami the development Of manufactur ing wr ritics and our population grew Some purveyor jofcls and sertnees lAfk advanlsCK KlUwflht thut IhC ccKisumer lied little opportunity to fcttow or to act his owntxwt tney rein ed to any jnrctice which would pay handwn'4y in food processing these practices included aduil'nitlon short wlhts disregard for sanitation false claims aftl all the other practices which to mow degree arc still plaguing the consumer today IYvm the lint the legitimate food and chemical Industrie supported the prin ciple that safely Vting shmht he re quirel by few There "were instance of chemica's living been found injurious only after ihrv had lx in In UM for a considerable jK riod 'of time These had to be re moved from th market after years of presumed aafrtv because new orwwr vto proved tlmt they were harmful to lev aiiinal ITe health protection toanch not only IrsU ihemkaU which cause Immediate scute ii'ness but II hbu cvncerwd with the lung term effect what may Mown tn lb thc rMtti cf ytsrs or e'n a lifetime of exposure to mlnow amount of cbemk sls The health protection branch conduct own tMt to be certain th safety ef an ddlthee If suicntlsH are ulined these will be We regulutfon IssiiM permtUW and aAsp placing a limit amount to be used will also specify any other esadittoas necessary to protect the pub lic health IMt applies equally to ubtamfAM redly to foods and to nance likely to watumlnato food 4 Trxlay Star food writer and nutritionist Layla Wooding begins the first of a hvopart series on food additives 1MLA ROBERTS TRAINS SECRETUUES OR iUXAMi23OU' Wuto prrprrw ketum fouWl Jdui aA NJd 4 Vi? result tf wine tncldmal uc pressiag The taw specdtcally Hates adddla mav be mrmlHed amount tf the kA aitaw that it duct i sanwr fo i fed to man or ant mah And pftfh lH ww any chemical whlcn wE nwit ia comum er deception '(Te vital need for foM rev rated bi? sc trail tac ideals or half a txd proceswr had usd tt saccharin vw tetra puwrtyput in creasing tw 4ar cs wwit Ibcie uere a Ao svalUbte fatokt form for diabetics amt for pewtowho Wtodto avoid gaining wefgfcL Thai 4W wwt wv drveml tuod because i to Sweet as sugar Thi4 oft marts wt fortra whrn fed to frffo It damage 4 rtWtled Wtfir grwrtb Even smaller ever a tang period Interfered wtm jmwHimr ttoD'tg to thyrsid IM3W never reached UfepuW ae lei wb aksu assumed to bi 'safe 'stoce fe C'mT7 showed 3 dfemkai capable rf onmns was bwL feW tm Lw cyviamatos which tn later test jrmd a possible health hazard Duktn cad the eydamatee wtr not before trfwd Ute public because auaadacto' mpv adW'd to tv asabwss aammt testing iurrd by No goveramst Isewed fetusg fectaque I'' kfet feedhg of chemicals vpectes of IdtosT to tost' Hrrtv and graratettfkSrta fo LMl Ury Im Ro 6 tfisrt NEXT Kht arittvr rr ad tml By fcOYTA WOODING Star food writer EL and Hutchinson cf Bathurst St are a mbdern edu ui rv resoect They we wtU nd keep up with all activtfoes and are very conscious about autrltlan lean Hutchinson shops evory swswi Wednesday after care fully Kanmng the new epaper pages for the bwt PM values But she and her husband along with many of their friends arc con vemed about the safety 4 their food because they hear and rewl alarming rvj rts about the additives and the pesticides which are likely to find their way into thek foud are many conflicting state ment circulating Hutchinson Siid we krw which ones to Mrs Hutchinson agreed arnfly poupU bae become hcivth fl faddists Only they areoh really ay healthier than we are and their food is niach more expenxiw than This mfuxicm appeals to univer sal Ours the first generations history toll tr posed to now chemicals by the hundreds fovlcad 4 the touns chiWrejj will be the to consume thesa ttevr chemicals throughout their How can be we Uietr health i lafeguwded and who Is respunslb'e for their safety and ywr? Health protection branch Tse EmuOi protection branch Depart ment of NaUamd llwilh x4 WMte cilhussly monitors camples of tic and Imported fond fend verb cbcey uito the agricultural Msttorftid fo eo ur cored pestxide and food aMuvt usee Aiptiy health ptwncega for LW Wh vimc bi not new The ancient Greeks cxmplainod about the addicrafotm thdr: wtors and bfCXTt toe Ralph Nsder CfrAiS gencratwa by writing a Wk rspag theculpriU Utoerited fmn toft aa fot oed miw days is teb ewem miseoftce that ah chrmka's wt hsradw Tw Iadfe toau hd ad4 Sws ta abwit great ImjrsvtaflW fo to rertlacr fa fe a a secrtacy fisluk whx gm m4 get rtrext ht ja iyd ad Showing flwre acb a tfesx as The Per'rct Scortery' Proh Aiy Because there's thing as a perfect anjlhisiS But Ax nl anyone from at tQmj A urm? of HxrvUrtea will et together College of Airbed Art and tn ilk date Wednesday Right to do just teJ by Tsrewto wn si whawws chcc aJkiiMw i notice toe wwd Pfrvr wasn't wd here i to sacw of Cxadas and Rrifem te? roeevdiu pjie fol out dte to to rwst civ rtite vtv and ha farmed a cocspany to help other wntv' to de toe same Siurg Siw's Indv fo to a Kegatane cxectarve who te new ttvotocr ef tw young children sad sh calls her buriscss MsMgrc: ent Training for Secretaries Tart cf tzr busneis to gw too course at Seneca arntocr part a cwdwrt upading ccunca for ecrrtarxs cl Urge eompadta anrtber iuv olvemeat a new ckjsc pren to top civil service stcretanes is Ottawa to prepare totia for prossitipa opportKruttev This pbn was urged by Irtive Jtorsoa cniy wmn ym rwEeaaner cn th Pvbbc fo evnee OHnsaissam Sse was appalled by toe fact ttvte 89 r3r vraowa is fetes! government service re tn the adnuaistraC'e sapfst clerks typute and fe are cr promoted Once a uxrolsry aUray a seerrtary a camtncruy regarded job pnaapie She will explain what these additives are what they are meant to do and what they contribute to the family diet I I tn neanut butter Citn ertimcnl Wliciais ly with agricultural authorities to ensure tbecorrect balance of chemicals is maintained in the foods ood additives are safe under government control world i swy foctaofegy are at fauM for competes matter TechttoteglcW speakfof the spto ht are ton far aitoad acd toe awage person often understand them jrv and the chemical terms used and sc teQs prey toaiSbqi teto aJbii aO foodiddillm' The sdemteU have dore very liltte surer la term be can understand Additives' tike fedide fa salt as vitamin fa eftrkited food products art makio an important csaributioa to health yet ft it a ft Wfe lodiae some the vitamLuwoulu harmful if coowmed to cxcmlvt anyxmt Rule for comunierb An fcpmsEt rote for to learn absut ctrakato food is rt to be alarmed wd All fowls are wit OMrrwitK4 web a pretetos fate cm bchydrete vttaffiitss and ammo add During toe paM bait ceutury the wh ence of food chamtoy tre prejrw Tbe pwrf pre ettxtog packages of fd se can be trsMPorttd toousaads of mJM and rwr la gwd condKou tar rsiM sr em fe of tito ders modern dvtjfeattiS cm toe tabd of a "mt bresl Mre sea toe aad prfcoaU torttord Tbrw are rf add wtoch fa produced satoUy to Swiss erne Curias: te maaufretee Tb prrveaS bread frem ocxl addith in spite of recent pub licity remain one bf die least understood tools of modern food technology OK TTi' 'VK rvvg Cfe 1 1 Sil' I i rErb vwEMWd to'33 i'll Pj' jl te vh Sr RwwlMS lOE 3 JWk' fH tfKjmMBMH HRM I CMESwML PflnM BiB' wMb I nr I 1 IffiR a nk 4'E jKiSKtj wSbL qr rS rW 7 iff WB Lr TOwB I EKL wKIBbwSe: i Mb 3Bgr Elf SHiSto' wBOBiNB la JBBv jneB zCifck BBBHBB EBB hy Sibb'' 3 1 xD 2W i SSifiifilia 1 they ito 'wV drW vea oaBjb fvA IrWrJ i A I U4 jjLr4 IWErt real reify to are faaresEefeaa jfcsLl pvOt JVKT bH Mxiy 4 teie and decT cocT7r rate ta too re Vtt ywTre atsatejjy EBlwaatorw bt toer do yr fe ysr tata as man cpxt mrfihxca prepare yma te WT 1 to wit to a are ay rwsc Lmm Si I I i.
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